so I don't post much anymore, and that bums me out a little bit.... as you read below there is things weighing on my mind personally, we are in the middle of winter camps (which are going great, but still no snow...weird), and the staff recruiting 'beast' (task) is on my back. In short,
it is hard for me to gather 'energy' to post anymore, even though I know in the back of my mind it is a good mental release and I do enjoy it after I get the 'ball' rolling and start typing.
My aunt is still with us... she has 'good' days (if you want to call it that), and she definitely has bad days, but
she is still here just waiting for God's perfect timing.On a different note, I'm responding to Nikki's post about movie favorites.
Now if you know me I have a cabinet full of my movie favorites, but I'll only list some as this list could be a long one. And these aren't in order.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy (it is all one big movie to me). Peter Jackson did an awesome job and if you watch any of the behind-the-scenes stuff you can tell that these people enjoy what they do and the people they work with.
Band of Brothers, best WWII movie/series ever!
Office Space nuff' said.
Braveheart still and always will be a classic fav. Watch this after your married and put yourself in his situation... it might make you feel even more passionate about this film.
Gladiator (same as above) and Russell Crowe rocks
Spinal Tap great mockumentary, still my favorite, and the commentary is just as good as the movie
The Godfather trilogy, what can I say, it's about the mafia and it's roots.... and it has Pacino in it.
Heat, great L.A. heist story that has you going for the bad guys and I like Michael Mann's films (Collateral, Last of the Mohicans, The Insider)
Traffic and most everything else that Soderbergh does (Ocean's Eleven, Erin Brokavich, The Limey, Out of Sight)
10) everything
Ghost in the Shell, it's anime (japanimation), it's a little weird, but I like it and I think the animation from the first movie (1995) to the series on Japanese television right now, is amazing.
Well, that's just the tip of my colossal movie iceberg... maybe I'll do more lists in the future... like favorite directors or best cinematography or best animation or movie scores. The possibilities for categories is endless for me.
That is......
if you want to know.
Peace people!