Sunday, September 25, 2005

Busy, busy, busy....

...Sorry, these last two weeks which seem like have been a long time (but very good) have been pretty crazy... in a good way.

And I'm reading three books at once!

I'll post hopefully in the next couple of days and also have some pics, so be looking for them it because I'm sure it will be long or I'll have several posts back to back as I have several things I want to tell you all about.

Preview: Hannah at Disneyland.... priceless!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Me Won, U2!!

... Well it looks like I'm going to get to see them again!

Here is how it played out.

So I didn't buy the tickets that night when I was tempted at the time of my post, but I told a little 'white' lie to 'test the waters' with my wife!

I went home (because I was at the office when I posted) and told Rachel "So what would you say if I bought tickets for U2?". Response: "NO WAY YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" "I'm not" was my untruthful response.
"How much?" I tell her.
She about passes out. Then I tell her that amount is also for her sister Davina to go too, as part of a wedding gift from us.
She actually agrees with me and thinks that that would be agreat idea.
After a couple of minutes she then says to me, "I'm actually getting really excited about going again!
BINGO!! Yahtzee!! That's the response I'm looking for!
So I tell that I hadn't bought them yet, but didn't know how she would react. She then yells at me "Well you better get your butt back on that computer and buy me some tickets to a U2 show that you got me all worked up for!"

I love her!

Anyway, long story short, we are going Nov. 1st and we also bought tickets for Davina and her soon to be husband, Scott, as a wedding gift. I'm so stoked to be going again and we will be sitting closer to the stage.
If any of you remember the last time we went in April and I posted about meeting Bono and the Edge, you can be sure we are taking the Cyber-shot and parking our butts where we saw them last in hopes to capture a moment I can put on my blog!

Well, we got through the month of August a little tired, but doing good. This week we've been getting ready for Jasen and Amanda's wedding and it has been going well despite the little 'curve balls' they've been get tossed their way. It is going to be an awesome looking wedding and reception and one I'm proud to be a part of.

On the homefront, Leah has been sick this last week and a half and just has not been herself (poor thing) which means alot less sleep for mommy and daddy.

Anyway, I better go since this is already pretty long and I'll be seeing some of you on Saturday....

Until then, peace.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Vertigo Revisited?

...So I'm seriously considering buying tickets to the Nov. U2 concert to see them again and in the process pay an exorbant amount of money to go.

Should I do it? My wife doesn't know... but I want to surprise her and I'm also thinking of getting a ticket for Davina, Rachel's sister.

It's a gift I know she will like... they will both like. I'm torn between surprising my wife but possibly incurring the wrath of my 'ninja spouse' that she will eventually get over because, hey it's Bono or tell her my intentions and her possibly shooting down the idea.

What do you think I should do?

I'll sleep on it. Even though it is very tempting to do an impulse buy!

See what tomorrow brings!