Sunday, September 04, 2005

Vertigo Revisited?

...So I'm seriously considering buying tickets to the Nov. U2 concert to see them again and in the process pay an exorbant amount of money to go.

Should I do it? My wife doesn't know... but I want to surprise her and I'm also thinking of getting a ticket for Davina, Rachel's sister.

It's a gift I know she will like... they will both like. I'm torn between surprising my wife but possibly incurring the wrath of my 'ninja spouse' that she will eventually get over because, hey it's Bono or tell her my intentions and her possibly shooting down the idea.

What do you think I should do?

I'll sleep on it. Even though it is very tempting to do an impulse buy!

See what tomorrow brings!


Aaron said...

I'm really getting sick of these ^ blog spammers... I to resort to using the blogspot 'word verification system'.

debbie said...

You definately have to consider whether impulse buying allows for potential buyer's remorse. Personally, I am not a seat-of-the-pants type of person, nor would I recommend anything short of thorough analysis. In this situation however, if it is really what you (selfishly hu-ha!) want to get her, I would disguise it as an "early Christmas present," rock out like the wild man you are, then proceed to buy her something a bit more tangable when Christmas actally comes, only because by then she will have forgotten all about the concert as she dreams up what you could have possibly gotten her. I'm just sayin'.
Also, good call on the word verification. Hope you're doing well.

Eric Wakeling said...

U2 concerts will NEVER give you buyers remorse. Go buy them now!!! I will be there on Nov. 1. It's my third show of this tour. You will LOVE it and so will the wife. See you Saturday.

stacey said...

you can buy them and if she gets angry, you can take me.

sometimes i cry myself to sleep at night because I miss Halo.

CodyBrock said...

If the U2 concert doesn't work out, you can always just rent "Pump Up The Volume". And it's not that you're old - it's that Christian Slater's movies are just that timeless. Timelessly gay. (Remember "Kuffs"?)

tonymyles said...


Should you fork out obscene amounts of money for tickets?


Should you spend that money supporting the AIDS organization Bono heads up.

Hmm... what would Bono do?

Aaron said...

Sorry, but the tickets have already been purchased... do I feel guilt?
No, not really.
Since the money I used to buy the tickets Bono uses for some of his humanitarian efforts and I also support TheOneCampaign already.