Well, let's see, the last time I wrote it was Tuesday. What has happened since then?
Wednesday... was Hannah's birthday and the theme was Elmo. Everything was Elmo! Elmo baloons, Elmo tablecloth, Elmo cups and plates and napkins, Elmo t-shirt for Hannah, and even an Elmo cake, of course! This isn't even mentioning the Elmo gifts. I'm going crazy with that high pitched voice and giggle. I've entered Sesame Street hell! It was a good time, though. She loves her little kitchen. Those in attendance were the Skipper fam, my parents and Holly, Russ and Lisa, Eric and Kelly, Davina and her fiance. That was Wednesday!
Thursday... I went to work, like normal, and worked on the upcoming winter camp season. Also, it looks like we are going to be getting a new camp logo to accompany our upcoming website. Yes, Amanda, I think I officially convinced Dan to kill 'Ponderosa Pete'. The new potential logo looks really cool and I had a pretty big part in setting its direction and look. ( That statement is going to come back and bite me in the butt, I just know it). So I was also working on that with Dan on Thursday. I left the office at 4:oopm to go to an 'estate planning' appointment with Rachel. There is nothing more depressing than contemplating the possibility of your death, what will happen to your children and who will take care of them if that happens. But it is necessary so that my kids are well cared for. After that Rachel and I had dinner at Chili's (saw the Skippers there...I think they are following us j/k) and then to really top off the night and lighten things up we saw
The Incredibles. Let me just tell you that if you have not seen this movie, get your butt to a theater and laugh you head off. Plus the animation is amazing! That was Thursday!
Friday... We took Hannah to get her 2 yr pictures taken at the Picture People and she threw a fit. My kid through a tantrum! My kid! I remember the days before kids when I would be somewhere and someone's kid would act up... I would be like 'can't you get your kid under control? if that was my kid they wouldn't do that.' At that point I just cursed myself. Anyway, we had one smiling pose to choose from, so that simplified the decision process. We went to Ikea again! I know...we are junkies and need help. We bought another bookcase for all my 'great literature'. Also did some early Christmas shopping knowing it will be difficult later with a newborn in the house. That was Friday!
And here I am.....typing....