Thursday, January 19, 2006

Curse You, Jasen!...

...make me post when I don't want to... genius!

I've been 'tagged' by Jasen, by the way, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about.

Let's see.... my five guilty pleasures:

1.) my recent guilty pleasure is my quad and riding Glamis
2.)movies, movies, movies and more movies ( I just can't find the time to watch them all)
3.)Metallica (call me old school if you want to, I've liked them for a long time)
4.)Of course, video games, I'm such a dork (Again , hard to find the time)
5.)This may sound dumb, but working with my hands, and what I mean by that is building and creating things (especially with wood). I guess if you know me, you know what I'm talking about.

There are more, I'm sure, but being 'tagged' you list five... so now I TAG.....

......Wess Howell!!

Come on Wess, give up the goods and spill the beans! You've been....


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