Monday, February 28, 2005


These are some pics from several week ago when we went to the desert for Valentines Day. Sorry that I'm not current with my pic posts like the 'Ash' man, but enjoy none the less.

Hannah and best bud, Victoria Posted by Hello

Asian cheeks Posted by Hello

A Year Older And I Think I Feel It...

So my birthday was yesterday, and it is either another year of age that I feel at this moment or the stress my body has endured over this last month. I'm going with the last month! How old are you, some of you may ask... that's for me to know and for you to guess. No, I'm just kidding, I'm now 31. I'm not just thirty, I'm now in the thirties. But you know what they say now... that forty is the new thirty, so I guess that makes me "twenty". Confused yet?

Anyway, the Oscars were also yesterday, so we had people over to watch the Oscars and to celebrate my birthday and Davina's birthday (my sister-in-law's b-day is today). I received some awesome gifts from everyone. Nikki gave me Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind(great movie), Davina and Scott(her fiance) gave me Dawn of the Dead and Shaun of the Dead...the first being scary and the second being downright hilarious, a Barnes & Noble giftcard from my in-laws, Russ an Lisa gave me Lucado's Faith Builders cards for my desk with a neat holder, The Bourne Supremacy and I, Robot from Rachel (in case you hadn't noticed I like movies), and my parents gave me a DVR with TiVo. TiVo here I come. No more commercials, baby! It was a great birthday, but I just felt like I had no energy.

Also, a prayer request. My cousin's wife, Kelly Hall ( from Nashville), has had some pretty serious headaches over the last several weeks... so they went to get her checked out and found through an MRI that she had hemorraging on/in her brain! Which could lead to brain anarism. She is about my age. I'm not yet sure of the course of action they have to take but please think of her when talking to the 'man upstairs'. I'll try and keep you updated.

I'm going to post some pictures now in a different post so see you up above this post! =)

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Howell Picture Goodness

This a picture Nikki took a couple of weeks ago during winter camp in the fog. Believe me, this scanned post doesn't do the real picture justice, but I still thought I should share it with you guys.

Posted by Hello
Those Howells are talented, I tell you what. :)

TO check out roughly how much snow we got, go to Nikki's blog page and see what I mean. It finally stopped yesterday afternoon! Nothing at this point is more defeating than to get the snow all cleaned up (which takes all day on the tractor and in the plow truck) only to have to do it all over again as if you never did anything in the first place.
Hopefully we'll have bright sunny weather for this weekend's winter camp.

Monday, February 21, 2005

....still snowing...

... the backhoe and snow shovel are not my friends...

Friday, February 18, 2005

Rain, Rain, Go Away..Don't Come Back Another Day!

Okay, so it seems that we now can't have a winter camp without some form of wet weather. Today, again, it has rained, snowed, hailed, slushed and fogged. Make up your mind, weather. And Becky just informed me that supposedly it will last until Tuesday!
So this will be another late start for winter camp #5 because of the crawl of traffic and weather that all of the churches have to wade through to get here.

Did everyone have a good Valentines Day? My fam and I went to the desert to be with our friends Sun. and Mon. We spent our Valentines Day with the kids. Real romantic, huh? It was still good though because I got to spend time with the girls which has been in short supply lately with all of the recruiting trips.
I'll post some pics from last weekend when winter camp #5 is over.

Just sitting here in the office waiting for campers......


and then they get here and it's GO, GO, GO, GO ..... then Sunday hits and another one down.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

My Last Two Weeks... In Pictures

So these are pictures from my last two weeks. Hope you enjoy!

First, I went to Joshua Wilderness Institute at Hume Lake and got to see my buddy Darin (see pic below). Daniel Skipper went with me to keep me company plus he had two friends he graduated with in the Joshua program. We were on the road longer than we were at Hume but it was a good trip.

Jan. 24th Posted by Hello

Next I went to Cal Baptist on Thursday the 27th and got to see Nikki, Kyle, Heather Gibson, Adrian, Stephanie and some possible future summer staff. Sorry I didn't take pictures of this day, guys.

We then had our second winter camp the next day which was rainy, slushy, snowy, and icy all in the same night. Saturday of our wintercamp you all heard the great news of what happened between J and Amanda at my house and I'm sure saw the pictures of the ring. Then Sunday after winter camp Nikki, Amanda, and Jasen hung out with my fam before Amanda and I headed to BBC the next morning. See below:

J and Amanda loungin' Posted by Hello

Hannah and Leah after nap Posted by Hello

The future 'Ashdizzles' and 'Pooty'. (winter camp joke) Posted by Hello

Nikki take care of 'Cheeks' LeBrun Posted by Hello

The next morning (still dark) Amanda and I left Pondo after having to pull the car out of the ice patch it was parked in with my 4runner. We flew into Springfield that afternoon at about 3:00p.m. Oh, lovely, gray Springfield. Got to hang out with Wess most of the week which a was treat for me and got to see alot of former Pondo staff. Most it seems aren't coming back or are still deciding. If you guys know any of these people push them in the 'right' direction for me, will ya'. It was a good but tiring trip and I miss my family immensely as I'm sure Amanda also missed Jasen.

John Posted by Hello

Brittany Posted by Hello

Daniel Posted by Hello

Erin. Posted by Hello

Amanda or Zoolander? Posted by Hello

Wess and I Posted by Hello

We came back Thursday the 3rd (also Ben's birthday for those of you who didn't know) and then did the winter camp thing all over again the next day. We had Steve Solomon this weekend and he is always awesome. His boys are sooo cool especially hearing his oldest, Zach(6), do Napoleon Dynamite impersonations.
We (the fam and I) went to the Skippers today to watch the Super Bowl with them, the Kovars and Nikki. I'm glad at least it was a close game even though I wnated the Eagles to win.

Tomorrow I leave at 7 am to head to Biola for two days for more recruiting (it never ends) to try and find some people dedicated to doing ministry well. Please if you think of it, keep me in prayer for guidance and wisdom.
I'm also looking forward to hanging with my homeboy, Ben.

So hope you enjoyed the pics... maybe more will be here next week...who knows. Until that time... peace

..and I miss you guys!