Wednesday, October 27, 2004

LOTS of the white stuff...

By 'white stuff', I mean snow not coke. We probably have already had close to two feet fall since early this morning... so guess what I've been doing most the day! Plowing. We've never had snow this early in the season since I've been here, but we need it.
We went to one of the best stores in the world on Monday to get some furniture for the kids room...and that store is, everybody say it with me,... IKEA !! It is all about style, cheap and getting organized. Does anyone else out there feel what I'm saying? I know Amanda does. We spent almost five hours there! Bought lots of neat stuff, could easily buy lots more 'neat stuff' if my wallet allowed me to.
I'm looking forward to watching The West Wing tonight. It is one of my fav shows along with Scrubs and the 'Donald', I mean Apprentice.
Amanda, I did get your message but not your cell #, so call me again and let me know.... or I guess I could call your home... why didn't I think of that earlier?
Anyway, that is all that is going on in my little corner of the world and.... of course.... snow.

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