Thursday, September 06, 2007


Well, I'm sorry.... I'm still waiting for photos from my river trip. Alot of back and forth from the desert to the mountains makes errands like that harder to do. It was a blast though. We had alot of fun and the other guys who went with Dave and I got used to our humor after a couple of days. :p

Also, for Jason's info, I reserved my Halo 3 today.....have you? You know we got to get on when it comes out! Also let me know your gamertag if you have one yet.
Sorry, everyone else, it's a great way to unwind and also improve hand-eye.... and Jason knows, much to Amanda's dismay.


ashdown said...

jason = jasen. fyi.
havent reserved it yet...on the list.
here is my gammertag = demondeacon26
see ya on live! whoo hoo!

Aaron said...

Sorry, bro, i kenw that actually. I just had put a phone number into my address book and his was spelled that way=brain fart.

ashdown said...

LOL! just giving you a hard time

jibby said...

heeheehee - improves your hand eye cordination - is that the best you can come up with.
I love you Aaron!
Are you going to be there when I visit on Monday - can we do sushi??????????